How to activate: Download trial version from?official website (links for macOS and Windows versions) Install and run Apply given key Wobbulator is a stereo ring modulator with distortion, sample rate reduction and cross-modulation. Independent left and right LFOs with 96 waveforms (including 8 random shapes, 32 ‘sequencer’ patterns and an envelope follower) can be locked to tempo at 24 rates. Controls are large and easy to adjust. Parameters have wide ranges, can be smoothly adjusted and ‘intelligently’ randomized. Most parameters have independent, easy-to-read displays. Features: Stereo ring-modulation. Advanced, dual 96-waveform LFOs. Waveforms include 8 different random modulations, 32 sequencer patterns, an envelope follower and many others. Tempo syncronisation at 24 rates from 1 cycle in 64 bars to 128 cycles in 1 bar. Easy-to-use GUI with ?intelligent? randomize feature. MIDI (CC) parameter control. Ring-modulation oscillators feature sample rate reduction (aliasing), cross-modulation and two types of distortion. Stereo input-output. Minimal CPU power and memory bandwidth.
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